Accommodations and Transportation

Hotels in Denmark and in particular Copenhagen are rather expensive. Below you will find a list of hotels we often use for visitors to the Technical University of Denmark.
Please note that only the first hotel on the list is located near the university, the rest are in the center of Copenhagen.
Zleep hotel Lyngby
Lundtoftegårdsvej 12, 2800 Kongens Lyngby
The hotel is very close to DTU Campus, where the conference will be held. Please visit their website by clicking here.
Wakeup Copenhagen
Borgergade 9, 1300 Copenhagen K.
This is a bugdet hotel. Please visit their website by clicking here.
Hotel Kong Arthur
Nørre Søgade 11, 1370 Copenhagen K.
Please visit their website by clicking here.
Ibsens Hotel
Vendersgade 23, 1363 Copenhagen K.
Please visit their website by clicking here.
Hotel Ansgar
Colbjørnsgade 29, 1652, Copenhagen K.
Please visit their website by clicking here.